Free Test My Idea Template
Create an irresistible offer by understanding the core of the problem you’re solving through the lens of your ideal client and others who have experience in your area.

This Test My Idea template enables you to:
Gain Clarity on how your target client talks about the problem their trying to solve that you want to help them with.
Prepare insightful questions before your research meetings to keep you focused and prepared to listen.
Interview a variety of people for feedback – target clients, existing providers of services & products in the same field, existing providers who share the same target client.
Set a deadline to complete the first ten interviews. Schedule all ten in one week and incorporate the feedback as they take place.

Test your business idea today

If you have a business idea that needs fleshing out before you start selling, it’s important to do research with your target client so they can co-create an offer you know they’ll love.
When you’re in the ideation phase of developing a new offer you want to frame the value in the language your client uses, not your own, so they’ll get it quickly.
By taking the time to meet with and listen to people who are looking for a solution, you’ll figure out how urgent the problem is and why, how much money people are willing to spend to fix it, and what it would take for them to buy.
You’ll be able to create a solid prototype of your new offer by incorporating the feedback from your interviews and going back to folks for more opinions and input. This will lead to your first sales and that’s how businesses are started!
Thousands of successful small business owners are using systems, processes, and templates just like these to transform their businesses into the success they desire for themselves, their employees, customers and communities.
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